(003) | $0->$2.6k MRR in 4 weeks 🎉 3rd week's update, 20240621

Welcome to Where the Digits Do the Talking!

Dive into the nitty-gritty of Monthly Recurring Revenue, where cash is king and every tick up is a win.

Here’s the roundup, and your contributions are welcome!

Carefully curated by humans. Bookmark it if useful. 

Takes me 20 hours' work. Buy me a Coffee if you like (:

For collaboration, shoot us an email at [email protected].

1.1 Why Success Is The Journey, Not The Destination

fulfillment doesn’t happen by hitting some magic number or target.

1.2 Churn Rate: What Is It and Different Ways to Calculate It
1.3 Minimum viable product: How to build a minimum viable product and test your assumptions
  • Imagine you're creating a new social networking app. Instead of building every feature upfront, you create a basic version that allows users to create profiles, post updates, and follow others. This MVP helps you test assumptions about user engagement and gather feedback.

  • Example: Twitter started as a simple platform for sharing short messages. Its MVP focused on the core functionality, and over time, it evolved into the robust platform we know today.

1.4 3 SaaS Experiments to Boost Activation and Retention Rate (Mini-Case Study)

Attempt #1: Growth Marketing Working Solo

1.5 How Zapier’s flywheel helped them build a 250M ARR business with 1.4M of funding

Zapier undoubtedly had flawless timing. They launched in 2011, right at the time Application Programming Interface (API) usage was becoming common and SaaS was going truly mainstream.

At Zapier’s launch there were 3,422 public APIs. Two years later the figure had tripled to 10,302.

At Zapier’s launch there were 3,422 public APIs. Two years later the figure had tripled to 10,302.

At the core of Zapier’s business model was a flywheel that created an extremely efficient growth loop from community development through organic traffic and round again:

II. Interesting Discussion

2.1 Anyone find Indie Hackers website useful?

I used to love Indie Hackers.

However, I've found it's become a cesspit of people creating tools to sell to other Indiehackers.

2.2 Multiple AI Companies Ignore Robots.Txt Files, Scrape Web Content, Says Licensing Firm

If their content is worth nothing then why are they being scraped?

2.3 What's your churn rate?

I'm in SaaS and my SaaS has churn rate of 20%

Is it too high? What's your churn?

Rob Walling puts churn rate above 10% as "Catastrophic" .. 4-5% as "Fine", 2-3% as "Good" in his book the SAAS playbook. If you didn't read the book yet, I highly recommend that you do. It is a great book for any SAAS founder.

2.4 Who are the people in the SaaS subreddit?
2.5 How I get new customers for my business

Interview your best customers and find out patterns in their buying journey. Once you do, just be present with the right message at the right place and things will start to work.

III. Helpful Youtube Videos

3.1 I Launched A New Product 30 Days Ago — Here's How It's Doing (revenue, growth, etc)

Toyan Kim launched a new SAS product, the Content Marketing Blueprint, a month ago, generating around 580 in total sales with initial tiered pricing adjusted to a stable 50 price point.

3.2 Justin Welsh's Secrets To Make $200,000 , Add 100k Twitter Followers, & Get 30k Emails In 5 Months

In five months, Justin Welsh increased his Twitter followers from 45,000-50,000 to over 153,000 by optimizing his profile and content strategy and launched "The Content OS" course, generating $212,950 in four months, demonstrating the monetization potential of well-structured digital content.

3.3 Selling Without Being Salesy: The Kind Way to Sell.

No.1 Sales is change management. Someone wants something and cannot get it.

No.2 Only be spending money will the problem go away. How much they spend isproportionate to the size of theproblem relative to them.

No.3 When a prospect reaches out, you start with good will.

No.4 Not all prospects are clients.

3.4 55 Minutes of Social Media Content Strategy for Entrepreneurs

35:54 "You have to DO THINGS so that you have EVIDENCE that you can support why you're good!"

1- Do first. Then talk about what you did. Don't patronize with the "here's how you should do it" without track record for yourself on the matter.
2- Niche can get rich - think local before you can broaden your reach. 3- Give the secrets away until you get uncomfortable. make your free materials better than everyone else's paid content 4- 10x your input if you want to 10x your output 5- Have patience. Control your impulse. Keep doing. And compounding effect will do the rest.

3.5 I Tried Viral SEO tips to Rank #1 in Google

I tested the most viral SEO hacks on TikTok to see if more views means better SEO tips. Watch to find out the SEO tips to rank #1 in Google?

I Tried to Rank #1 on Google in 24 Hours to Prove a Point

I tried to rank #1 on Google in 24 hours with a simple, yet powerful SEO strategy. Watch to get an over the shoulder view of everything that happened.

3.6 Do THIS to Make $30,000/month

06:07 Startup Idea 1: LinkedIn Short Form Video Agency 16:20 Startup Idea 2: Automation Agency 22:42 Startup Idea 3: AI Graphic Designer 29:22 Startup Idea 4: Newsletter in a Box 36:02 Startup Idea 5: Youtube Thumbnail Builder/Directory 45:24 Startup Idea 6: Content as a Service 50:00 Startup Idea 7: Canva Subtitler 52:49 Startup Idea 8: Airline Deals Aggregator 59:55 Startup Idea 9: Quickbooks for specific niche

IV. MRR Updates from X

4.1 SEA Brand Building | CRO Advisor for 7-9-fig brands | 🇸🇬 🇳🇱

Stef @crowizard_stef · Jun 23:

MRR is king👑

Stef @crowizard_stef


Arib 🇺🇸🇵🇰 @aribk24 · Jun 20:

0 -> 100k mrr in 138 days beat my own record lol

0 -> 100k mrr in 138 days


Kyle Gawley @kylegawley · Apr 9:

My new startup just hit $50k MRR 🚀🎉 just hit $50k MRR 🚀🎉

May 8 My new startup hit $437,000 MRR 🎉 just hit $50k MRR 🚀🎉


Wilson Wilson @euboid · Apr 30:

Thanks to 4 changes, we've added $8,000 extra MRR over the last 3 months. Now Senja's growth is on a completely different trajectory.


Eddy Vinck @EddyVinckk · Jun 21:

24 hours since the launch 🐣 21 new users 🎤 7 articles recorded by new users ⭐️ 1 new annual subscription 💰 $22 MRR

4.6 ◆ (building) ◆ (2/6) ◆ (1/6)

gabriel*@gabriel__xyz Jun 23:

27 paying users for FeaturesVote! 🥹

27 paying users for FeaturesVote! 🥹


Jacob @jahvascript · Jun 22:

405 mrr ✅ wtf won’t report back til 1k

added payments 10 days ago

 added payments 10 days ago


Edwin @astrooed · Jun 23:

So close to €1,000 MRR. While this number is small compared to our other products, it's impressive that we can consistently launch products users are willing to pay for. Still, a lot of work left to do, so back to being locked in. brb 😎

So close to €1,000 MRR.


Goutham Jay ⚡ @gouthamjay8 · Jun 18:

Famewall crosses $2K MRR 🤩 This is a small milestone. I still have a long way to go. P.S. Most of the growth happened last year when I took SEO seriously

Famewall crosses $2K MRR


Luca Restagno 🐢 @ikoichi · Mar 20:

New revenues milestone (not MRR, it's a one-time payment product) $15k and 126 paying customers in 4 months.

 $15k and 126 paying customers


Elias Stråvik @eliasstravik Jun 17:

0->2.6k MRR in 4 weeks 🎉

0->2.6k MRR in 4 weeks 🎉

4.12 👉 Get your MVP in 15 Days

Manoj Ahirwar @manoj_ahi Jun 23:

After 8 years of building mobile apps I have crossed $3K in ad revenue 🤩

 $3K in ad revenue


Fredrik @iamfredrik_ Jun 19:

Just got my first sale through organic search 🤯

99 USD

V. MRR Highlights from reddit

5.1 I just failed my first SaaS. 0$ MRR and there are the problems you MUST avoid

btw i love this quote from Nelson Mandela : “I never lose. I either win or I learn.” I learned a lot from this one


Reach 10k MRR with this


My SaaS got its first customer before it even officially launched! $12 MRR!

5.4 (

Today I changed my revenue model from monthly subscription to one-time payment. Did I make a mistake?

If you (a) have millions of TikTok influencers in your database, and (b) do not limit the number of rows that can be exported, then you're probably leaving a ton of money on the table.

5.5 I'll pay you $50 for a good reason I shouldn't shut down my SaaS

Everything seemed great although churn was a little high -- until I watched WWDC and realized Apple finally allowed people to scheduled messages in the future.


My SaaS Just Hit $10K in Revenue – Here's What I Learned


AMA: Niche SaaS co-founder at $1m ARR in 4 years after multiple failures!

5.8 Growth Funding
5.9 I generated $43,000 in revenue for my SaaS following this blueprint for my startup
5.10 &

Sold my 2+ year old SaaS for $250k. AMA!


usegravity.appKyle Gawley$437,000
blogrecorder.comEddy Vinck$22
features.votegabriel*Not Specified
meeko.aiEdwinClose to €1,000
famewall.ioGoutham Jay$2,000
shipped.clubLuca Restagno$15,000
eliasstravik.comElias Stråvik$2,600
UniqueSide.ioManoj Ahirwar$3,000 in ad revenue
artiplate.coFredrikNot Specified (Reddit)$12 (Reddit)Not Specified (Reddit)$10,000 (Reddit)$1,000,000 ARR & (Reddit)$250,000 sale
Carefully curated by humans. Bookmark it if useful. 

Takes me 20 hours' work. Buy me a Coffee if you like (:

Got feedback? We'd love to hear it!
